About Us.1

Scent Hookah Lounge will be able to draw on its success through its constant commitment to satisfy its valued customers Using tasty fresh ingredients and high-quality recipes as well as preparing meals And beverages in a healthy kitchen environment to provide the best service to satisfy all tastes and thus we achieve a part of The goal is to be Scent Hookah Lounge in the rankings since the beginning We will provide healthy food free of preservatives and oils, which we will depend on the provision of Healthy eating recorded through extra virgin olive oil and flour and we get the finest food The health components are in addition to checking the cleanliness of the workers in the cooking and catering


The plan for Scent Hookah Lounge is derived From the idea of creativity in preparation and progress on all Food, drinks and Hookah For the customer to feel different we will make the road The style andquality are different from any other place and are the first ways

Scent Hookah Tobacco Products

Shisha Tobacco is very well known in the Middle East countries and has been emerging into North & South America, Europe and Russian Federation countries during the past 10 years and increasing year by year until today